Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

Posts tagged ‘Blessing’

Prayer To Be Blessed

little girl prayingFather we covet Your blessing so that we can be a blessing to You by being a blessing to others. Please teach us, condition us to understand when we are at the end of our rope or at wits end, there is less of us but more of You. When feel the grief of loss, may we see the glory to be gained, for sorrow is a masterful teacher. When physical deaths separates us temporarily from those we love, help us convert our grief into love for others. As we grow older and experience more and more loss like hearing, sight and memory, remind us daily that our true wealth is in Christ and our future is in heaven. Father, increase our appetite for Your word; enhance our passion for worship and our love for people. Help us to love others the way we love ourselves. Abba Father, help us get the inside right and this will put the outside in proper perspective. Give us the humility to cooperate instead of compete. Grace us to rejoice when we are criticized, slandered or even persecuted. Help us overcome evil with good. Give us a sense of victory even in the midst of apparent defeat. Enable us to see the Martyrs and Saints cheering us on. Let us hear the applause of heaven give us the deep assurance that Jesus is our faithful High Priest and He is praying for us. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!