Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

Posts tagged ‘God’s Omnipotence’

Paul’s Ephesian Prayer [VOICE]

 little girl prayingGod of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory: I call out to You on behalf of Your people. Give them minds ready to receive wisdom and revelation so they will truly know You. Open the eyes of their hearts, and let the light of Your truth flood in. Shine Your light on the hope You are calling them to embrace. Reveal to them the glorious riches You are preparing as their inheritance. Let them see the full extent of Your power that is at work in those of us who believe, and may it be done according to Your might and power.

Praying For Enemies

prayer_3Father, You are the Eternal One who rules in righteousness. Nations rise and fall before you like grass that flourishes in spring and withers in winter. Kingdoms come and kingdoms go like the seasons of the year but You Father are forever the same. We kneel in Your presence as Your humble subjects created to serve for your good pleasure. Our will and wants are not important: we live in Your kingdom, not ours. You command us but we do not command You. Father there are many things that we cannot fathom with our finite minds. We do not understand why good men suffer and evil men prosper. We do not understand why we feel lonely and forgotten when we are trying to do what is right. The Christ haters in this world have no regard for You or Your Son and yet they seem to fare better than we. They are haughty, proud, and boastful; they think nothing of taking advantage of the weak and helpless. They have the power and resources to crush all who oppose them. They mock You and make fun of us for trusting You. LORD we know that a day of judgment is coming, a day of reckoning when things will be made right by Christ Himself. It is not our place to judge our enemies but we are commanded by Christ to pray for them. Our prayer is that all Christ-haters would repent of their sin and turn to Christ for forgiveness. May our enemies forsake their pride and acknowledge Jesus as their Savior and LORD.

[Prayer is based on Psalm 10 and was written on February 28, 1997]

A Prayer For The President

georgewashington-prayingHeavenly Father, You have taught us through Your Apostle to pray for all men everywhere and for our leaders both political and spiritual. We acknowledge our reluctance to pray for a man who disrespects Your word and has contempt for Your people but we confess our sin of prayerlessness may be as grave as his disregard for Your word. We pray for our president, that he could come to a knowledge of truth; that he would understand there is only one God and only one way to YOU and that is the LORD Jesus Christ the only mediator between the finite and the infinite. We pray for You to change his mind, to inspire him to want to preserve our religious freedom so we believers can worship, witness, study, minister and spend our time-serving You and others instead of fighting with the government about our inalienable rights. Father, we know that all believers need to join together in this prayer. Men and women all over America need to lift open hands to You and pray sincerely for the president. We have a tendency to lift up our fist in anger but lifting up open hands in prayer would be better. We know that man’s anger accomplishes very little. It’s Your power and only Your power that can save AMERICA. If America is to be saved, our leaders must change the way they think. Father we invoke Proverbs 21:1,  The Lord can control a king’s mind as he controls a river; he can direct it as he pleases. Please direct our president toward the right and deliver us from evil. At present, we are headed for destruction.  The kingdom belongs to You Father. Our desire is that Your rule come and that You get glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
{Prayer based on Paul letter to Timothy….I Timothy 2}

Ronald Knox Psalm 139

prayerAll knowing Father, I lie open to Your scrutiny. You know me as no one else knows me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up. Night or day, near or far; You can read my mind. You know all my thoughts and even before I articulate a word, You know what the word is going to be; such knowledge is more than my little mind can fathom. Father, You are my rear guard and my vanguard and you also have me flanked. Where could I go to escape Your presence, not that I want to. You are greater than Your creation; You are beyond it and You inhabit it–Wherever I go, You are there. Nothing can be hidden from You; You see through the deepest darkness and the most subtle pretense. You fashioned me in the sanctity of my Mother’s womb; You made me some complicated and complex that the brightest minds cannot comprehend my ways. You know me Father and You can help me know myself. Please reveal me to me so that I can be what pleases You and glorifies Your Son Jesus Christ.

Prayer of Thanksgiving [Psalm 124, Knox]

prayer_3Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace. It was by your awesome power that I was delivered from the bondage of sin, from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and I am grateful. You did something for me that I could never do for myself: I was helpless and hopeless until you rescued me. Thank YOU! Through the years I have been threatened by various individuals who gave me their word that they would ruin me and I admit that there were times when I was afraid. Had it not been for Your GRACE and Your Guardianship, they would have swallowed me whole as the fish swallowed Jonah. You did not allow that to happen; You have been my shield, thank YOU! Now, as I look back, I feel foolish for doubting your providential care and I know now that I was never really in any danger. You are Eternal One, the great I AM, the God of Abraham and I praise and bless YOU for being my salvation and shield, my pardon and my protector. I could not survive one day without your mercy and grace and yet if You never did another thing for me, I should yet praise You for all You have done in the past. I rejoice in the truth that Your love endures forever. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Petition For Revival

Father, You are great and You are good. Glory and power belong to You. Your wisdom and wealth are infinite. The more You give, the more  You have to give. Your knowledge is complete: there is nothing that You do not know. There are no mysteries with You. You know our hearts and our motives. You are aware of every thought that goes through our mind. You have no problems, no anxieties, no insecurities and no frustrations. You create but do not duplicate. You motivate but do not manipulate. Father, You are all that we are not: we are weak but You are strong; we are frail but You are faultless; we are fearful but You are faithful. Father, the law of prayer is to ask and we ask for wisdom, we need it more than silver or gold. We are overwhelmed by our ignorance. We are like dump sheep, what do know where to go unless You lead us. Father, we are lacking in humility. We do not love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves and we have great difficulty praying for those who persecute us by saying all manor of evil against us. In our limited knowledge, we do know that all spiritual blessing come through Christ and His body the church. We know that it’s never one on one in Your kingdom. If you bless my brother then I shall be blessed for we are both members of the same body. Therefore I ask YOU for Revival. I ask You to do what only You can do, let Your Spirit move upon America. Revive the Body of Christ. This is my petition and I offer it to You in Jesus name.

Prayer of Repentance and Contrition

LORD God almighty, we know that you have the power to save–You are not impotent. We know that you can hear us when we pray. Our problem is not that  you cannot hear or save us; our problem is our sin. We growl like an angry bear and moan like a sick dove but we are our own worse enemy. It is our sins that have separated us. Our hands are covered with the blood of the innocent unborn. We not only tell lies, we teach them in our class rooms of higher education. We have become totally untrustworthy, we cannot be trusted. We create chaos, we produce pain, we hatch evil, run to evil and do evil. Our sin is causing massive destruction to our culture and country but we don’t seem to care. We are destroying the future of our children and our children’s children. We do not know the way of peace and we refuse to acknowledge it’s Prince. Justice stands at a distance–truth has fallen like a soldier in battle–Goodness is not recognized or appreciated. We hope for light but all we see is more darkness. Our own sins testify against us. We know we are guilty and we know that we have sinned. The only plea that we can make is for MERCY. LORD God have mercy on us; forgive our sins and heal our land. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Hallelujah: A Prayer Of Praise

[Based on Revelation 19]

We praise You Father because all glory, honor, power and salvation belong to YOU! All your judgments are true, right and just. YOU will bring down the world system that operates like a prostitute by corrupting everything that it touches with lust. We praise YOU that one day You will separate us from all those who hate and despise Christ. We long for the day when you bring all of us together who love and adore YOUR SON. We praise YOU  God for all those who honor the name of Christ, those who humbly obey His commands and share His good news. We praise YOU that there is none beside You and none above You: You are the LORD God omnipotent, the almighty, the all-powerful One. Father You are greater than any problem and more powerful than sin itself. We rejoice in Your omnipotence and we are happy to give You glory. All glory and praise to the LAMB that was slain, who has cleansed every sin and removed every stain. Hallelujah, You deserve the glory. We rejoice and praise You for choosing us to be the bride of Christ and for providing for us a wedding garment, the precious blood of Christ. Father, we worship and adore YOU, we lay our lives before YOU. LORD Jesus, we worship and adore YOU and lay our crowns before YOU. You are our only sovereign: we need no crown. Glorify Your name in us O KING of kings and LORD of lords.